The new App that makes it easy to shop your conscience

How it Works

Create your account

Enter your email address or use Google to create an account.

This allows you to have a profile in Conscience Cart to keep track of your shopping preferences

Shopping preferences

Tell us how you shop, what you shop for most, and what values you care about.

This helps us customize your store recommendations and don’t worry, you can change these selections any time you want

Shop your conscience!

Conscience Cart shows you the best fit stores for you across all the shopping categories you picked.

Use the filter to zoom in on businesses in specific categories

Business detail pages

Click on the logo tiles to see how we know this business shares your values, with links to more detail.

General description with a link to the business website for online shopping and a handy instant connection to Google Maps, so you can navigate to the store closest to you for in person shopping

Start shopping your conscience, with confidence


Help other shoppers out. Review businesses from 1 to 5 hearts on your overall experience.

And for in person stores, rate the mask-wearing from 1 heart (lots of people without masks) to 3 hearts (100% mask compliance) - a Conscience Cart exclusive!


Connect with other conscientious shoppers in the feed — share tips and ask questions.

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Shop your conscience, with confidence right now